Friday, September 21, 2012

Hey Big Spender! (psst, that's you, Mr. Bush)

This chart, from,  shows very clearly that President Bush was responsible for the huge rise in spending and subsequent deficits. Following the Clinton surplus years Mr. Bush raised spending by around 400 billion (at the same time lowering taxes!), and again in 2009 under Bush spending jumped from 500 billion to almost 1500! (Yes, the 2009 budget belongs to Mr.Bush, it was put into place four months before Obama took office).

These are facts. They clearly show who was responsible for the huge rise in spending, and totally eliminates the 'big spender' argument against Obama.

Considering these facts, will any of you who might have supported Romney because you thought Obama was the big spender now change your position? 

Spending claims aren't the only phony charges the GOP has invented to attack Obama with. They also add job losses from January 2009 into Obama's jobs record, even though he wasn't sworn in until January 20th. That's over 800,000 jobs lost, in one month!

Here are a few other facts as collected by factcheckorg, along with a chart that mkaes it esy to see what the spending facts really look like.
  • Fiscal 2009 began Oct. 1, 2008. That was before Obama was elected, and nearly four months before he took office on Jan. 20, 2009.
  • President Bush signed the massive spending bill under which the government was operating when Obama took office. That was Sept. 30, 2008.
  • On Jan. 7, 2009 — two weeks before Obama took office — the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office issued its regular budget outlook, stating: “CBO projects that the deficit this year will total $1.2 trillion.”
  • CBO attributed the rapid rise in spending to the bank bailout and the federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac –  plus rising costs for unemployment insurance and other factors driven by the collapsing economy (which shed 818,000 jobs in January alone).

  • Another factor beyond Obama’s control was an automatic 5.8 percent cost of living increase announced in October 2008 and given to Social Security beneficiaries in January 2009. It was the largest since 1982. Social Security spending alone rose $66 billion in fiscal 2009, and Medicare spending, driven by rising medical costs, rose $39 billion.

see how spending went up every year under Bush? See how it went down in 2010, Obama's first budget?

Is it too much to ask that rational people who might otherwise have blamed Obama for outrageous spending will now revise their position to include the facts, rather than the 'spin' by the GOP? 

Sadly, they probably won't. When people say they hate politics, this is why.

When you judge the 'Fake Obama' that the GOP made up, he does look bad.

But that isn't a real person.

The real President Obama has done a reasonably good job in trying to repair the damage caused by the previous administration. The country would be in a lot better shape if the GOP in the Senate hadn't filibustered everything Obama tried to do, such as the 2009 jobs bill, which passed the House and had 55 votes lined up in the Senate. The GOP prevented it from even getting a vote, putting partisan politics ahead of the welfare of the nation.

I venture to say none of you would like to be judged by a pack of lies, nor would you stand for your children or your employees lying about everything as Mitt Romney does.

Why do you put up with it?

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Analyzing the results of the 2009 stimulus.

Mr. Romney continues to call this "the failed stimulus".

Is he correct?  Let's check the evidence...

Here is a list of top-rated studies (including which method was used and a quote from each summary)

As you will see, 6 of the 9 said it worked, 

one said it worked but was too small, 

and two said it didn't work.
(one of the 'failed' had results that showed it was due to it's being too small).

Also notable, the CBO, which is the "official"result, says it worked.

So the claim that the stimulus "failed" in contradicted by the facts, as 7 of 9 top studies say otherwise.

worked (econometric): 
 Feyrer and Sacerdote.
" The stimulus had a positive, statistically significant effect on employment. "

Chodorow-Reich, Feiveson, Liscow,  and Woolston.
"The state fiscal aid portion of the stimulus, which specifically increased federal Medicaid matching funds, had significant positive effects on employment. The additional matching funds increased employment by 3.5 job-years per $100,000 spent, and the multiplier for the funds is around 2."

"The stimulus created 2 million jobs in its first year, and 3.2 million by March 2011."
It worked (modeling):
Congressional Budget Office.
"Through the first quarter of 2011, the stimulus created between 1.6 million and 4.6 million jobs, increased real GDP by between 1.1 and 3.1 percent, and reduced unemployment by between 0.6 and 1.8 percentage points."

Council of Economic Advisors.
"The stimulus created or saved 2.7 million to 3.7 million jobs by the third quarter of 2010."

Zandi and Blinder.
"The stimulus raised real GDP in 2010 by 3.4 percent, reduced unemployment by 1.5 percentage points, and created almost 2.7 million jobs." It worked a little bit (modeling):

Oh and Reis.
"Both tax transfers and government purchases have very mild positive effects on growth."

It didn’t work (econometric):
Conley and Dupor      
"The stimulus did not have a statistically significant effect on employment."
"The tax transfer provisions of the stimulus package, and previous stimulus packages in the 2000s, did not lead to a significant increase in consumption, and the spending provisions, notably including aid to state and local governments, did not lead to a noticeable increase in government purchases."                                          

Now here's a chart of three companies that also agree that the stimulus worked to stave off a deeper recession.


All of these indicate, once again, that the claim that the stimulus "failed" is just plain wrong.  Not mentioned in any of this is the reason the stimulus was needed, which was the bad economy handed over to Obama. 

Doe Mr. Romney know about these studies? He ought to, he's running for President! 

Why then does he choose to lie about them? You can argue several things from these results, but "failed" is not one of them.

To be kind to Mr. Romney, we can assume that he simply chooses to  ignore evidence that doesn't support his pre-conceived opinion.

To be blunt, however, we would have to say he "lied".

Romney's attempt to blame President Obama for the spending in the stimulus package is disingenuous at best. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

In English, Please

Yes, you read it right. 

Or maybe you didn't, I don't really care.  But for those of you who think you're clever enough to understand what it means, well, you're clearly too smart to read this blog. But just in case some idiot tries to understand what it means and will go crazy and come beat me up if they can't figure it out, here's what it means. I think.

The Introduction to  A Hole In My Head:

"Factual Evidence and Accurate Analysis Presented with Mind-Boggling Lucidity from Pinpoint Perspectives Fully-Focused Amongst Fecund Absolutions Delivered With Intellectual Panache and Irreverent Felicity Well-Bolstered by Fortuitous Certitude and Imaginative Introspections Detailing the Desultry Vagaries of Desperately Delusional Yet Delighfuly Partisan Political Platitudes . And some jokes."

Here it is using normal words:
"True facts and correct interpretations communicated with unbelievable clear thinking from specific points of view, completely concentrated in and around fertile or intellectually productive formal forgiveness of wrongdoings, delivered with brainy boldness and disrespectful humor, supported by timely confidence and creative insight pointing out the unplanned unfocused unpredictability of hopelessly crazy yet funny one-sided trite remarks about governing."

Broken Down Word by Word
For You Cunning Linguists:

Factual Evidence and                True facts and
 Accurate Analysis                      correct interpretations
 Presented with                           communicated with
Mind-Boggling                             unbelievable
Lucidity and                                 clear-thinking
Pinpoint Perspectives               specific points of view
Fully-Focused                             completely concentrated
Amongst                                       in and around
Fecund                                          fertile or intellectually productive
Absolutions                                 formal forgiveness of wrongdoings
Delivered With                           communicated with
Intellectual                                  brainy
Panache and                               boldness and
Irreverent                                    disrespectful
Felicity                                          humor
Well- Bolstered by                     supported by
Fortuitous                                    timely
Certitude and                               confidence and
Imaginative                                  creative
Introspections                             insight
Detailing the                                pointing out the
Desultry                                        unplanned
Vagaries of                                   unfocused unpredictability of
Desperately                                 hopelessly
Delusional Yet                            crazy yet
Delighfuly                                    funny
Partisan                                        one-sided
Political Platitudes .                  trite remarks about governing.
And some jokes.                         There are no jokes, I was kidding.