Yes, you read it right.
Or maybe you didn't, I don't really care. But for those of you who think you're clever enough to understand what it means, well, you're clearly too smart to read this blog. But just in case some idiot tries to understand what it means and will go crazy and come beat me up if they can't figure it out, here's what it means. I think.
The Introduction to A Hole In My Head:
"Factual Evidence and Accurate Analysis
Presented with Mind-Boggling Lucidity from Pinpoint Perspectives Fully-Focused
Amongst Fecund Absolutions Delivered With Intellectual Panache and Irreverent
Felicity Well-Bolstered by Fortuitous Certitude and Imaginative Introspections
Detailing the Desultry Vagaries of Desperately Delusional Yet Delighfuly
Partisan Political Platitudes . And some jokes."
Here it is using normal words:
"True facts and correct interpretations
communicated with unbelievable clear thinking from specific points of view, completely
concentrated in and around fertile or intellectually productive formal forgiveness of wrongdoings, delivered with brainy
boldness and disrespectful humor, supported by timely confidence and creative
insight pointing out the unplanned unfocused unpredictability of hopelessly
crazy yet funny one-sided trite remarks about governing."
Broken Down Word by Word
For You Cunning Linguists:
Factual Evidence and True facts and
Accurate Analysis correct interpretations
Presented with communicated with
Mind-Boggling unbelievable
Lucidity and clear-thinking
Pinpoint Perspectives specific points of view
Fully-Focused completely concentrated
Amongst in and around
Fecund fertile
or intellectually productive
Absolutions formal forgiveness of
Delivered With communicated with
Intellectual brainy
Panache and boldness and
Irreverent disrespectful
Felicity humor
Well- Bolstered by supported by
Fortuitous timely
Certitude and confidence and
Imaginative creative
Introspections insight
Detailing the pointing out the
Desultry unplanned
Vagaries of unfocused unpredictability of
Desperately hopelessly
Delusional Yet crazy yet
Delighfuly funny
Partisan one-sided
Political Platitudes . trite remarks about governing.
And some jokes. There are no jokes, I was kidding.
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